HPE Demo, A Reliable App To Manage Product Demos

HPE is a large corporation that sells products and services around the globe. Well known for their cutting edge, top notch servers, HPE has a demo program to allow potential and current clients to try product before a big purchase. As such, the HPE Demo web application meets and exceeds HPE’s requirements for a reliable yet complex contract management software. Specifically this app is for Canadian demos.

Management Of Demo Contracts

To manage demo product above the border, HPE has been working with JB Software through a company called iServe Inc. Since 2016 JB Software has been tasked with the management of this web app and the underlying infrastructure. We’ve developed several mission critical additions to allow HPE to reduce cost and better manage their demo assets. Due to HPE’s growing needs, deployment to a scalable solution has occurred in recent years.

Warehousing And Assets

In similar fashion, the management of assets is of great concern. Parts are shipped from various locations for iServe to stage and ship to companies within Canada. For this purpose, a robust solution must exist that can handle the warehousing and shipping needs of iServe. This is where our expertise helped us rework their existing system into an innovative and reliable solution.


In the context of a product demo, the customer wants their product fast. With this in mind, we must give special attention to shipping and receiving. We designed the software to make daily activity for the warehouse staff is quick as possible. Of course you can’t have speed with error, this is where a balance must be met in the software.

Together with JB Software, iServe Inc. is able to carry out HPE’s demo needs with speed and ease.

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